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Crime facts
at a glance

Sample chart

Homicide Trends in the U.S.
Since 1993, the number of crimes committed with firearms has declined, falling to levels last experienced in the mid 1980s.

To view data, click on the chart.

Number of firearm crimes Chart [D]

Note: Crimes include the UCR index offenses of murder, robbery, and aggravated assault.
Source: FBI, The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)

In 1999, about 65% of all murders, 40% of all robberies, and 18% of all aggravated assaults that were reported to the police were committed with a firearm.

According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, in 1998 about 39% of the deaths that resulted from firearms injuries were homicides, 57% were suicides, 3% were unintentional, and 1% were of undetermined intent. (See table on firearm deaths by intent by age group).

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