Jeff Chan xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx March 27, 1994 Dear Assemblymember: I'm writing to you regarding three bills currently before the legislature addressing firearm concealed carry (CCW) permits. Specifically, I urge you to support AB 3368 and oppose SB 1717 and SB 1896. For how much longer can Californians' right to choose safe and effective self-defense be arbitrarily denied by police chiefs and sheriffs with their own private agendas? As you know, following concealed carry reform in Florida in 1987, the murder rate dropped nearly 40%. Where the rate was once far above the national average, Florida's murder rate is now below the national average. Around 200,000 concealed carry permits have been issued there to date and instead of the hysterical predictions of "blood in the streets" by anti-firearms-rights lobbyists and media, the opposite has happened: Florida is now a LESS deadly place. Needless to say, this fact has not been widely reported by the generally anti-gun media. In Florida, Oregon, Georgia, Utah, Idaho and several other states that have recently reformed their firearm carry permits, any adult with no criminal or mental history can get a license to carry. In some states there are training requirements that go along with this process. In all of these states the murder rate fell or did not increase significantly. [1] California has a chance to address this issue by passing Ross Johnson's AB 3368, which would make illegal concealed carry a felony, but would make issuance of permits based on objective criteria, not the questionably-motivated whim of the local chief. Also touted as CCW reform SB 1717 and SB 1896 on the other hand would make illegal concealed carry a felony while at the same time not reforming the current system that makes issuance of permits arbitrary and nearly impossible in come cities and counties. SB 1896 by Petris contains additional attacks on firearms rights that would only serve to criminalize legitimate firearms ownership while doing essentially nothing to stop crime or control criminals. Experience in other states has shown that concealed carry reform reduces crime by making it possible for decent people to defend themselves in the face of violent crime. Again, I urge you to SUPPORT AB 3368 and OPPOSE SB 1717 and SB 1896. Sincerely, [signature] 1. Independence Issue Paper #14-93, "Concealed Handgun Permits for Licensed, Trained Citizens: A Policy That is Saving Lives" by Clayton E. Cramer and David B. Kopel, June 18, 1993, Independence Institute, 14142 Denver West Parkway, Suite 101, Golden, CO 80401, 303-279-6536