Dear President Bush, Please capture and punish those responsible for the terrible crime against humanity committed September 11th, 2001. Justice demands this. If proof leads to Afghanistan, please take this unequaled opportunity to replace the government of Afghanistan with one that is tolerant and stable. Please do not simply install another petty dictator who will oppress his own people. Afghanistan is a desperately poor country devastated by centuries of conflict. Simply attacking it would do little to improve the lives of the innocent people there and living out of that country as refugees. Afghanistan is a surprisingly complex web of cultural, religious and tribal difference. See for example the intelligence analysis at the FAS site: With this great diversity and history of internal strife, only a tolerant system of government will allow Afghanistan to survive and grow into a decent place to live. One of the best models for acknowledging cultural diversity and permitting lasting peace is the federal and cantonal structure of Switzerland. That type of government has been proposed for the Balkans and South Africa by Nobel Peace prize- nominated Leon Louw and Frances Kendall. Please see: Please bring justice for these crimes, and take this unprecedented opportunity to make the world a better place and create a better life for the people there. Jeff Chan